Friday, January 11, 2008

It had a head, arms, and legs!

On Wednesday, January 9th, we went to our second ultrasound appointment at Dr. Bundren's office. First off, we sat in the waiting room for an hour. I almost started to bite my nails. I was so nervous that for some reason there wouldn't be a baby anymore or that the baby wasn't developing at a normal rate.

At this appointment they only took my weight and my blood pressure. Based on their scale I've only gained a pound. HA Well, their scale weighed me too heavy the last appointment (7 weeks). Maybe I wore heavy clothes or ate too much beforehand. My scale at home has shown that I've gained 5lbs and my current weight matches up exactly on my scale at home and at the doctor's office. My blood pressure was back to normal. For a while there it was running high for me. It was back to 124/70.

Dr. Bundren was there this time to do the ultrasound. We still have one little bean, but it's not a bean anymore, it actually had a head, legs, arms, and a body!!!! It measured perfectly for 10 weeks. Actually it measured 10w1d. My ovaries are almost back down to normal size too. They printed out the ultrasound pic, but the printed pic is undecipherable. It was easy to see on the live monitor, but not on a still photo. The baby must have been moving when they took the picture.

It is now time for me to be referred on to a high risk OB doctor. Ryan chose for them to refer us to a St. John doctor. Our only choices were St. Francis or St. John. Ryan didn't want the clustered nightmare-St. Francis. Also, St. John has some new Women's Center that is really nice. On Monday, I am supposed to call Dr. Stewart's office to set up my first appointment. They will probably see me on week 12. I know that I need to have some lab work done in the first trimester and they will be doing that. I was referred to a high risk OB just because I did go through IVF and there is a greater risk in IVF-ers to have uterine growth and pre-term labor? I have no idea what uterine growth means...I'm not even 100% sure thats what he said.

So, here I'm at work, at TBN, and they still have no clue I'm pregnant. I have an interview next week for a Flow Measurement Sales job. I really have no clue if I will want to work after the baby, but I'm soo antsy right now just working part-time at a "job." I'm just going with the flow on the interview. Who knows if anything will happen. I'll just have to wear my black pants with a safety pin in them and a really long shirt to cover it!

By the way, I forgot to mention that many people have asked if I'm really excited and honestly, I don't think it's really hit me yet. I have always been a person that reacts very slow to news. I know that I'm emotionally reserved with this pregnancy too. Who wouldn't be if they were in my shoes?

Just yesterday Ryan took apart the desk in the office. The new carpet is going to be installed soon, so we figured we might as well get the desk out of there now. Dan and Kathy are going to utilize the desk for their theater business until we want it back.

If you are reading this and you are pregnant or are going to become pregnant, join YOGA! I joined a prenatal yoga class about a week ago. The class is every Wednesday and Saturday. I love it. I hope it really helps me to stay calm throughout the pregnancy and labor. Also, after the baby is born, they have Mommy & Me Yoga! My favorite part of yoga is the lavender eye masks during the last 15 minute meditation period of class. I love the smell of lavender!

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