Thursday, February 28, 2008

Big feet= Big.....

Yep, our baby boy officially has big feet and is weighing in at 8oz. Based on, he should only be about 5oz. The doctor says he's in the 97%, meaning he's bigger than 97% of babies at this age, which is a great thing! I'm developing faster and he also said my uterus has already shifted upwards and that doesn't usually happen until a few more weeks.
Today, I'm officially 17 weeks, but the ultrasound measures me at 18w2d. Maybe the baby will come early! The doctor said my due date will stay the same, but to always be prepared for 3 weeks early up to 2 weeks late.
I was complaining to the doctor how it was hurting when he was pushing on the doppler/ultrasound. I also mentioned how it hurt to wear low rise maternity pants. Well, our baby boy is pushed very far forward in my body and there is only a small layer of flesh between my baby and my outside layer of skin! So, my clothes and the ultrasound were literally pressing right on the baby.
I do not have to do any tests for down syndrome or spinal defects because the ultrasounds look perfect. He only gives those tests if the baby doesn't look normal on the ultrasound. I'm glad we don't have to take those tests because they have many false positives and whats the point because it won't change the outcome! I don't understand people that want to take those tests. I couldn't believe that one of my friends said they'd abort if their baby came back with a positive test. Crazy!
I'm not really craving anything...I don't think. I just get on kicks where I like some thing and want to eat it every day, then I get tired of it. Right now I'm on a BLT kick with chocolate something! It used to be ice cream, but now I've moved on to cookies (Oreo's and those really soft baked sugar cookies, but with chocolate frosting, from the grocery store).
I have ordered the baby bedding off Ebay. I can't wait for it to arrive. I got a steal. The whole 9 piece set went for $41. If I bought a 9 piece set in the store, then I would have at least spent $300. I got a bassinet from Robbin and Steph's mom is going to give me a breast pump. I'm all about a bargain! It's not like I'm going to use these items for a long time, so I can't justify paying full price.
I did ask the doctor if he is supportive of natural births, and he is. He stated that St. John doesn't even make you pre-pay for the epidural, leaving the option open to everyone if they want it. St. John apparently has a hot tub to labor in and he said there are many things they can do to help ease the pain to avoid an epidural. The only reason he would make me use an epidural is if my body is too tense to even let the baby deliver.
Thats all for now! Time to be patient until April, when we register and start looking at baby furniture!

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