Tuesday, May 6, 2008


Yesterday Chief and I went on a 45 minute "puppy walk." During the entire walk, my uterus was like a rock. It stayed contracted, making it very uncomfortable to walk. Mr. Baby also dropped really low during the walk. It took a few hours of laying down, in bed that night, for the baby to move back up. Although the 45 minute contraction did go away once I got home and sat down. I have "hardening of the uterus" every now and then, but it goes away after a few seconds. Apparently, those are Braxton-Hicks contractions that I'm experiencing. I just thought it was his head sitting in a low spot and pushing on my uterus, but what do I know? I'm new to this.
I called my doctor to ask them about the 45 minute contraction and the baby dropping during that time. They told me to lay off the walks until I go in next week for my appointment. I'll mention it to the doctor and see what he says. Everything else seems normal though!
I read online that now is the time to start researching pediatricians. Thank goodness for that pregnancy time-line online because I would've never have thought to line up a pediatrician before the baby. I think I found one, based on friend referrals, location, he's a DO, and he does practice at St. John Hospital. Now I just need to "sign" Connor up on his patient list!
Food aversions are back along with being really tired! I am back on the vegetarian band wagon. Well, not really, but meat just doesn't sound good. I am also very tired now. I would like to take a nap every afternoon, but I can't. I never was this tired in the first trimester. This new tiredness may be due to the fact that my social schedule is hoppin' these days. Between bunco, yoga, fire auxiliary, wedding showers, graduations, wedding rehearsals, bachelorette parties, baby showers and holidays, I'm booked! But, it does make time fly! 3rd trimester, here I am!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Alright.. Stop all the activities and go lay down! It makes Boris unhappy...