Monday, June 30, 2008

Ryan has shingles!!!

Ryan has shingles and thats the worst news. The relief is that I'm far enough along in pregnancy that all the organs have developed so there is no risk, if I got it, for there to be organ development deficiencies in baby Connor. Actually, I can't get shingles, he can only give me chicken pox. Shingles is a flare up of the chicken pox virus. Shingles is not contagious, only the virus that causes the chicken pox can be spread. I have not had chicken pox. I actually got the immunization shot to chicken pox before college. But, my OB is putting me on Valtrex, just in case.

As for today's doctor appointment, the baby only gained 4 ounces in two weeks. That is a relief to me. I was hoping he didn't gain another 2 pounds in 2 weeks. My cervix is beginning to get soft and I'm dialated the size of a finger tip. But, that doesn't mean anything. Some people dialate over night and others can stay dialated at 3 centimeters (or so) for weeks. It just merely means my body is progressing naturally for birth.

Baby Connor's head is meausuring 41 weeks! This is just getting comical! The rest of his body parts are measuring 38 & 39 weeks. Again, his estimated due date still says July 17th.

The baby shower given by Steph, Tara, Amy and Elena was this past Saturday. It was so perfect! It was at Steph's house. Mom and Carol brought baby pics for decorations. We all had fun looking at baby pics of Ryan. I was given my car seat and the diaper champ, which that was a relief! Now, we are officially ready for the baby to come. Although, I still don't know how to work the car seat. I'll figure that out when the time comes. But, my bags are packed and everything is ready in the baby room!

Now, we just have to focus on making sure I don't get chicken pox and getting Ryan's wounds better. Now the concern is him giving chicken pox to a new born baby. Hopefully it'll be out of his system by then...or he'll just have to be VERY careful when holding the baby...that he won't have any open wounds. I'm worried that he's that stressed out to get shingles. They are caused from stress. I'm afraid he's going to give himself a heart attack at age 30. I know his family history of health is not the greatest...heart attacks, high blood pressure, and work-a-holics.

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