Friday, January 25, 2008

1st Appt with High Risk Doctor

We went to the new doctor today. This will be the doctor that does my delivery and the one that I will see from here on out. He was very nice, calm, and spent a lot of time with us to answer any questions and explain everything in lamens terms.

As I sat talking to the doctor, he told me to get up on the exam table. I was still wearing my pants. I didn't get what he was going to do. Did he not know that I still had my pants on? He began to roll down my waist band and put that gel on my stomach. At that point I realized that I actually get to have an external ultrasound. It was my first time!

The very first thing the doctor said while doing the ultrasound is, "You have a big baby!" I thought, oh great, I was 8.6 and my brother was 9 something when born, so I'm doomed. He said that it is much better to have a bigger baby that has NO problems developing than a smaller baby. He actually said that since we did Invetro and they pick out the best of the best embryo that the baby is the best of the best in me and it tends to gobble up the food and develop easily. I think he said it's about 2" long now.

He did try to determine the sex today. He is 65% sure it's a boy. I'm not totally set on a boy, I still think it could be a girl. If it is a boy, it could be vegetarian because I still get disgusted at eating meat. Last night I had broccoli and a baked potato for dinner.

I go back to the doctor in 4 weeks. We'll for sure be able to tell the gender on that date. All is healthy and so I am I! I'll brag and say that my blood pressure was 104/68, so I'm definitely healthy! =)

One bad bit of news, the doc said I shouldn't be doing gardening in the heat this summer. I LOVE gardening. Oh yeah, and bigger babies can deliver early. It better come after Brandon's wedding and after his honeymoon! I'm sure it won't be THAT early. Although, I do have a to get a dress made to wear at his wedding since I have no idea what size I'll be in month 8. HA

1 comment:

Katie said...

It's going to be a big ol' rugby player! Boy or girl! Maybe you can create lovely gardens on Microsoft PAINT! My students recreated their garden in Powerpoint :) And it was in the comfort of the library computer lab! I want the month to fly by so I know the sex of the baby, too! I've got to spoil my niece or nephew with goodies from Australia! Perhaps you could carry around a web cam on your head, like a hat, so I can see the baby 24/7 :)
And yes, you have my permission to name the baby kathryn :) Jade prefers Jade, but she tries to name every baby Jade. Her friend from Sweden has a little boy that everyone (but his parents) calls Jade Jr or JJ. She's got a bit of an ego :)
Congrats on a positive dr's appt!